Life is an endless Developmental process. We all have unique Abilities and Disabilities. The Day we choose Awareness instead of ignorance, is the DAY we start to see everyone as equal. Gary Spears, DSP

Monday, July 13, 2009

Colin's Birthday Party Pictures - sorry too tired to write a story!

Chris giving Symba some love
Maria (our best neighbor!) and Glen
Bart wanting in on some present action.
Chris, Mike, Joy & Tasha

Colin giving Uncle Shawn 5's
Checking out the new side walk chalk rake
Mommy like the frog blanket

Opening gifts
Chris and his x-tra frosting piece of cake.
Mom, Aunt Norma, Uncle bob, Grandpa & Bart
Caden was watching the neighbor's swim from the top of the tree house.
Col riding his bike.
Hanging out in the garage
Colin diggin in!
Singing Happy Birthday
The Swanson/Blassingame family (Tasha, Genesis, Joy, Lester, Aaron & Tyler)
My Best Friend for always - thick and thin, Joy!!

Courtney, Tyler, Aaron and Genesis on the swings
Colin being goofy and Ty in his favorite spot next to symba - his best friend (joy you really need to take Symba home with you!)
Kelly and Lily
Genesis and Aaron in the play house - Genny stayed up there the ENTIRE time, she is SO afarid of the animals.
Lily going up the slide.

Aaron shooting hoops
Froggy (Ribbit) Cake, Thanks Kelly!
Happy Birthday Colin!
Our yearly Happy Birthday Cookie Monster, we've sure got our money's worth of this little guy!

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"When a loved one becomes a memory ~ That memory becomes a treasure"