Life is an endless Developmental process. We all have unique Abilities and Disabilities. The Day we choose Awareness instead of ignorance, is the DAY we start to see everyone as equal. Gary Spears, DSP

Thursday, June 10, 2010


I got a message in Caden's communication notebook yesterday that stated this:

"Caden looked a peer in the eye today and told him my mommy run a race!"

I thought this was so wonderful! For many reasons.  1-He looked a peer in the eye, which he has been getting pretty good at lately. 2- Not only did he look at said peer, he conversated as well. And 3 - he really does pay attention to what I do and is excited enough to share it with "friends"!

Thanks Caden ~ You made my night when I read that!

1 comment:

Burnhams said...

That is so awesome!

"When a loved one becomes a memory ~ That memory becomes a treasure"