Life is an endless Developmental process. We all have unique Abilities and Disabilities. The Day we choose Awareness instead of ignorance, is the DAY we start to see everyone as equal. Gary Spears, DSP

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

From the Mouth of Babes

Yesterday was Week 1 of 22 of  the {Incredible Years} Parent group at Colin's school. I pick up the kids right from work, and head right back to school, so it's a pretty busy day, not getting home until after 8 typically. Well yesterday, when we arrived, Colin and I needed a potty break. As we were waiting in the hall, Colin was counting doors and a Very {pregnant} women walks up in front of us, not realizing that we were in line. So i told her, no problem, you can go (being very very pregnant and all) Colin is standing next to me, STARING at this poor lady. Giving her his confused worried eye looks (those of you who see Colin alot know what look I am talking about) So he pulls my hand, and points to her belly and says, Mom, how came her has one boob????   I wanted to die laughing. I told him that's a baby in there. He was FLOORED!! He was SO determined that is poor lady had just (one) very {large} "boob", he didn't quite get that a baby was in there. So thinking back, since Colin's been around, we have never really been around anyone who's been pregnant, so he really wouldn't know a person who is expecting or not. I carefully explained to him, that the baby was in the belly "cooking" not yet ready to come out yet. He asked a ton of questions, One asking me if HE cried when he was in my tummy. The whole conversation was too funny, and I am really hoping this poor lady wasn't offended that my 3 year old thought she only had {1 boob!}

Gotta Love Colin

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"When a loved one becomes a memory ~ That memory becomes a treasure"