Life is an endless Developmental process. We all have unique Abilities and Disabilities. The Day we choose Awareness instead of ignorance, is the DAY we start to see everyone as equal. Gary Spears, DSP

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Colin has officially lost both of his front teeth! How adorable is my littlest man? Love him. The first one he lost during school. About a month later, last Friday he lost the other one. Funny story on how he lost it? He was at the babysitters house, eating his Bagel that I had bought for him to eat for Breakfast at school (apparently he didn't eat it huh?!). So he bit into it and the tooth got stuck in the bagel! Too adorable. I love that my kids have interesting tooth stories. Caden lost one of his teeth when we were on our family cruise in 2010. fun fun. 

Colin has just the cutest no front tooth smile. Caden never got to have no front teeth :( Because he lost them during an accident instead of naturally, he kind of had no tooth at all, then 1/2 of a tooth while it came back down from the gums, then when it fell out, the other one that was lost at 3 years old was coming in already, so no cute no teeth pictures for Caden man.. He might like it better that way when he's 30 :) 

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