Life is an endless Developmental process. We all have unique Abilities and Disabilities. The Day we choose Awareness instead of ignorance, is the DAY we start to see everyone as equal. Gary Spears, DSP

Monday, April 2, 2012


We have had the oddest of winters ever that I can remember. Might possibly even be in history, who knows. We barley had any snow at all, and we never even got to the sub zero temps. Honestly, I never even had to wear my winter jacket this winter, I am was perfectly fine with just my fleece and a of gloves. I only wore my boots 2 times I think, and that was only TO work. Carried them home in a bag, because I didn't need them after that!

March brought along some even warmer temps. We had shorts and tank tops on. It was HOT. Here is the temperature on Wednesday March 21st - 86 degrees. This was on my way home from work this day. I did good though, and didn't turn on the central air in the house. I wanted too, but we made do with all the windows open and ceiling fans on. The house was a balmy 78! Most of the neighbors did turn their a/c on. A friend of ours down the street even got the baby pool out and filled and the kids went swimming. Yes, it really was that hot. We broke some records.

But not to be outdone...... On march 30th, as we were going out to dinner... The snow once again arrived. Not complaining. But we knew those 80's wouldn't last for ever. This didn't last either, It was gone by morning. But it did rain/hail or snow all weekend long. This morning I had to scrape the Ice off my windows and tonight we are going back down in to the 20's for night time.

Notice our spring flowers have bloomed already? Yep, we are about a month ahead of schedule here. So odd. I think we are in for a VERY HOT summer. Man I wish we had a pool!!

I am happy today though, that the SUN is shining. even if it is only 38 outside!

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