Life is an endless Developmental process. We all have unique Abilities and Disabilities. The Day we choose Awareness instead of ignorance, is the DAY we start to see everyone as equal. Gary Spears, DSP

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Crazy Colin

This kid is something else. I should have known that my last would be the biggest trouble maker. For the past week or so, he has been getting out of his crib. AND he's even good at it! He actually manages to land on his feet and that is WITH a sleep on. Nuts I tell you! Well this morning, I heard him wake up, so I peeked in to get a look at how he does it. The kid is amazing. He puts one let over, hangs on with only his hands, swings the other leg over and drops! No climb involved. I was cracking up! :-)

Then this morning while I was on the phone with Mike, Caden was getting ready to let the dog out and I *though* Col was downstairs getting ready with Courtney. So Caden goes into the garage to let Symba out and Says OH ma ma MAAAA!! So i come running and Caden is cracking up. I look outside and sure enough, there is Colin running through the back year chasing the birds. He managed to not only open the door which was locked up for the night, but go out, then CLOSE both the storm and screen doors so I couldn't hear him laughing out there. I couldn't help but laugh at him. So Caden and I went and hung out on the deck for little bit until I had to get ready for work. It was nice and relaxing after a highly stressful morning.

Yes, that's my crazy Colin!

1 comment:

Joanne said...

Josh when he was younger 3 almost 4 was able to sneak out of bed turn the television down so it wouldn't wake us up. One morning one of Dan's friends stopped over and Josh answered the door to let him in thank goodness the friend didn't come in he went our window and woke us up. We had a long talk and added a dead bolt to the door. Crazy kids

"When a loved one becomes a memory ~ That memory becomes a treasure"