Life is an endless Developmental process. We all have unique Abilities and Disabilities. The Day we choose Awareness instead of ignorance, is the DAY we start to see everyone as equal. Gary Spears, DSP

Friday, February 6, 2009

Ahhhhhhhh The love of a child

Caden came up to me today and gave me the biggest hug & Kiss and he meant it! To many (or most) this many not be a big deal. To me, to us, this is HUGE. Sure can will hug and kiss you, but it's never really been very intentional and never full of love and feeling. He just does what you ask of him. Today I was sitting on the touch, he crawled up on my lap and squeezed the heck out of me, arms around my neck, head on my shoulder and squeeze!! Then kissed my lips. Meema and Mike were in the room at the same time. I looked at both and said "He just came up and gave me a hug and kiss" I was so surprised! Then as I was leaving to go pick up Courtney from an event at school, I said Caden you be good while I am gone, he said K mom and ran up and did the hug/Kiss scene AGAIN! I am so over joyed and excited. What an amazing thing to have happen when you wait forever wondering if they will ever do it with actual intentional feeling. I KNOW this was that. It was full of love and emotion.

What a GREAT Birthday gift Caden just gave me. I hope when he is older, he can look back and read this to relive the moment from my eyes. Today may not have meant anything big to him, but to me, It was a milestone.

1 comment:

Burnhams said...

that is a very awesome present indeed

"When a loved one becomes a memory ~ That memory becomes a treasure"