Life is an endless Developmental process. We all have unique Abilities and Disabilities. The Day we choose Awareness instead of ignorance, is the DAY we start to see everyone as equal. Gary Spears, DSP

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Caden's sick

And I kept calling him a faker this morning... Sorry Caden. Caden learned the sign for sick a couple days ago. Last night during our meeting he was a little bit blah and I thought he might be getting sick, but didn't really think it was anything huge. This morning he woke up and seemed fine to me, but when I asked him if he was going to school he signed "Sick" and said "no home da". I then told him, your not sick, your such a faker! and laughed. Since he was fine and playing around well. He kept signing it then, and it was too cute, but he still seemed just fine.

SO much for that! I just got a call from school. He has a fever, isn't eating and almost threw up, but didn't (hopefully he's not saving that for the car ride home) Since Mike is off today, he is going to pick him up. Colin's been sick for 2 days with a yucky head cold and runny nose and just clingy and Courtney has been sick for about a week with a terrible cough that just won't go away as well. We have the first parent group meeting tonight also and I really don't want to miss it, especially since last weeks was canceled becuase of the big snow storm. So I got my mom to come over tonight and sit with Caden and we'll just bring Colin and Courtney as originally planned. I really want to bring Colin because I want him to get used to being around others without us. He is so Clingy and won't go to anyone else so I am hoping this once a week for 3 months really helps open him up alittle bit more.

Well hopefully all 3 kids will start feeling better soon. I've learned my lesson as well. When one signs sick try to take them a little bit seriously!

1 comment:

Burnhams said...

Have tons of fun at your meeting. Hope all the kiddies feel better soon! And Happy Happy birthday to everyone!

"When a loved one becomes a memory ~ That memory becomes a treasure"