Life is an endless Developmental process. We all have unique Abilities and Disabilities. The Day we choose Awareness instead of ignorance, is the DAY we start to see everyone as equal. Gary Spears, DSP

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Caden's teeth are hiding

Good thing I took those Christmas Pictures yesterday huh? I just got a call from the school nurse and Caden fell at school during OT and broke his tooth right up at the gum line... Ugh.. We now have to take him to a pediatric oral surgeon specialist, our regular ped won't even see him becuase of his disabilities, referred us right away to this doc. So the whole tooth is gone, but the roots remain. It was his front tooth no less, so he'll be toothless for what the next 3 or 4 years?! Poor Caden, it's always something. I am thinking they will have to surgically remove the roots of the tooth, but we'll see. I have an emergency appt at 1:45 today, so i'll update again after that... Keep your fingers crossed. This is not going to be easy for Caden to mentally process (the dentist thing) so I hope this turns out OK.

....4 hours later....

So we went to the ped. dentist, who was AMAZING! Although it wasn't covered by our insurance, I think we will always take Caden there. They worked great with his disabilities and as we were leaving in walked a cute boy with down syndrome... just proves to me that they are all set and ready for such situations. Even more reason to continue to keep Caden there. So.... Caden's tooth is NOT broken. Turns out his TEETH (yes more then 1) 2 teeth got pushed UP INTO his gums with the force of the fall. The Doc said this was the best case scenario. I guess toddlers gums are still very soft, and the bone not fully grown in yet. had it been us, the teeth would have broke, but in a child, then got pushed up. Poor kid has a huge hole in the front of his mouth. Hopefully within the next 6 months to year, we should notice then starting to slowy come back down- if not they will have to surgically remove both of them. We have to go back in 2 weeks to check things out since it will take about that long for his mouth to fully heal from the trauma, then every 6 weeks for x-rays. There is a chance that both teeth can abscess, in which case we will have to do surgery anwya, but they will check that agiain in the 2 weeks when we go. So Caden can't have anything hard to eat, only mushy foods for the next 2 weeks, he is on motrin for the pain.. and I will have a toothless little man for at least a year... possibly 5! I am glad it's over. I called his teacher to keep them updated, and they are going to be having a meeting and getting rid of the trampoline that caused the truma to begin with.

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