Life is an endless Developmental process. We all have unique Abilities and Disabilities. The Day we choose Awareness instead of ignorance, is the DAY we start to see everyone as equal. Gary Spears, DSP

Friday, April 12, 2013

New Hair

I've been ready for a change for a bit now.  My awesome friend Tracy has her own little salon in her house and does an amazing job. She always does our hair, and Courtney's for special occasions etc. Let me know if your in our area and need a new stylist, she is awesome. 

So I called her and said, I need a change. We made arrangement for the next day. I said I want a dye, highlights, low lights and a cut. Just make sure I look nice in the end :) 

Well, of course, she killed it! Love the length. we went back to my natural dark brown color, added some red low lights, and blond highlight and chopped a good few inches off. 

LOVE! Even Mike likes it... and he could care less most of the time! 

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