Life is an endless Developmental process. We all have unique Abilities and Disabilities. The Day we choose Awareness instead of ignorance, is the DAY we start to see everyone as equal. Gary Spears, DSP

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Report Cards

We got all 3 report cards this week!

Colin of course, continues to blow our minds at his level of academic learning. His OT teacher actually thought he was in 1st grade until I pointed out on his paperwork that he is in Kindergarten  Some of the homework he comes home with is 2nd grade and he just blows through it! Here is the breakdown for Colin

He is at the beginning of a first grade reading level
He is exceeding proficiency in English language arts and comprehension
He is Meeting Proficiency in writing and speaking
He exceeds in language
Exceeds in All math standards, including algebraic thinking and number groupings
And meets standards in geometry (for his grade level of course)
He meets standards in Science, social studies and library
He exceeds in Art, Music and gym
The only thing is a bit behind in as far as academics goes is Effective Communicating – And that would make sense because of the anxiety.

And Caden - Our super intelligent man, so wise in his years. He is so wise, that school is a struggle for him. He tries his darnedest though! And actually learns a TON from Colin. So here is Caden's 2nd grade report card this quarter:
He is a first grade reading level, about mid year in first grade
At reading and language arts he is Still Developing
Still Developing in Writing
Meeting standards in speaking and Language
In Math, all areas across the Board, he is meeting standards
He is meeting standards also in Science, Social Studies, and keyboarding
He exceeds in Art, Music and gym
The thing that surprised me the most is that he rated only a 2 (out of 4) in complex thinking. Maybe because of the WAY his complex thinking is? Interesting. 

And Courtney- Her sophomore year of High school! She has always struggled at school. I always did too. School was NEVER easy for me at all and I had to work just to pass with a low grade. With everything Courtney has going on, she is doing well, and I am proud of her! Here's the low down on her:
Her final grade in accounting was 87 (1/2 year course)
Final in Career & Management was 88 (1/2 year course)
Creative Crafts 100
Earth Science 81
English 75
Geometry 82
Global 74
Keyboarding 98
Gym 94
And her final 3rd quarter grade was a 86.28 - Go Courtney for the merit roll!! 

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