Life is an endless Developmental process. We all have unique Abilities and Disabilities. The Day we choose Awareness instead of ignorance, is the DAY we start to see everyone as equal. Gary Spears, DSP

Friday, October 3, 2008

Hope for Caden?

Many of you know that Caden is autistic, however We can't get any specialist to put this on paper for us of yet. This is getting beyond frustrating for us, since as Caden progresses in one area, he regresses in 2. He is unable to function with his peers and is severely delayed in many aspects. although he is picking up new words, he doesn't use them consistently and eventually loses them altogether, thus bringing us back to square one. So in simple terms, Caden needs the stability, and structure of a center based program where he can have a one on one aide working with him individually. Here in Erie County we have basically no resources to help us on this journey and are pretty much walking blind. It's gets very irritating when your child who you would do anything for, is not getting all the services available to them, because of one doctors lack of words and diagnosis.

So yesterday Mike & I brought our concerns to our reg. pediatrician, who I must say is wonderful. She is the one who initially got us in touch with Early Intervention when Caden was about 12 months old and not making any sounds as a typical 1 year should be. She was so receptive to us and our concerns and is going to do what she can to get us some more evaluations. The only other option we have for evaluations is at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, NY, but we have to do what is best for our child. It hurts me when I see other children Caden's age and I realize then what trials Caden has to go though. Until I see his peers you never actually realize the reality of our situation. So our ped. is going to see what she can do to get us into Strong as soon as possible (they have a 1 year waiting list at this special clinic we need to be at) and hopefully get a "real Written" diagnosis for him, so we can turn it in to our district and get Caden the additional help he needs. we are all in agreement as well as our therapists that Caden needs additional center based services and that he is on the autism spectrum-getting this to be said (or written) by the one certain doctor is proving much harder. I've taken time off of work to go to autism conferences, I've done research that you wouldn't believe. We've taken tests and spoken until our ears are green. Everything puts Caden on the spectrum, including certain tests that he and us have taken separately. Just because my child is very smart, and progresses at times, doesn't mean that he is an average 3 year old. 2 times he tested to have autism. one time is got a 7 rather then the 8 needed to be considered autistic. It's sad they use the one test that was off by ONE number to judge his well being.

All we can do is pray and keep our fingers crossed that all things will work out and not long from now Caden will be with other children like him, living life to it's fullest! With out these additional services, Caden will never function in a regular classroom, or with his peers in the future. I know this from seeing his everyday life. The vacuum is his best friend!??!!

My vent is over now. I guess I just need to be the best possible advocate I can for our son and getting this off my chest is just the tip of the ice berg! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I believe there is hope for our dear Caden. He is lucky to have such wonderful and caring parents. I pray he gets the help he needs. We all love him dearly.

"When a loved one becomes a memory ~ That memory becomes a treasure"