Life is an endless Developmental process. We all have unique Abilities and Disabilities. The Day we choose Awareness instead of ignorance, is the DAY we start to see everyone as equal. Gary Spears, DSP

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Loving Autism

I found this on a group discussion board... Loved it so much- not to mention the tears it brought to my eyes. So Yes, I stole it and HAD to post it here... the last paragraph is what REALLY got to me... every time I read it I think I cry! Welcome to Caden's world...

If only you could comprehend how hard life is for me,
I know I’m only a little boy, but my world I want you to see.
Things are always changing right before my eyes,
but don’t you see I can not change with the direction of the tide?

It’s a different kind of world I see, with my big brown eyes;
they call it autism, and they think it’s my demise.
What I’d really like for them to know
is that my life is really about surprise.
Everyday is something different--something very new,
a phone, a clock, no a watch, I mean a shoe.
Sometimes I have a hard time expressing what I want,
and changing my mind ... well I do that a lot.

I have a hard time talking to people; please don’t think I’m rude.
I try to talk to another child: I really do.
But sometimes my words don’t work, and I hit instead--
now I really blew it, and no one wants to be my friend.
Some people are trying to find a cure for autism right now as I speak,
but why do I need to be cured?
There is nothing wrong with me.

Please don’t try to heal me, I’m not sick;
and instead of trying to fix me, enjoy my creativity.
My autism makes me who I am and sets me far apart,
but it only brings me closer to my family’s heart.
Autism is not something you should accept—it’s something to embrace;
for life with me is full of wonder and constant change.
I break up the monotony of daily life,
and although I don’t mean to, I sometimes cause some strife.
Autism changed me from all others except for my own kind,
and it has succeeded in showing all the world,
that love and autism bind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet. I can see why you love it.

"When a loved one becomes a memory ~ That memory becomes a treasure"