Life is an endless Developmental process. We all have unique Abilities and Disabilities. The Day we choose Awareness instead of ignorance, is the DAY we start to see everyone as equal. Gary Spears, DSP

Monday, January 5, 2009

Ever wonder where all the money goes?

To doctors, meds and sick babies. Both boys are sick.. really really sick. Colin's been sick on and off for a few weeks now, but I avoided taking him in for many reasons. One, usually it's only a viral infection and nothing can be done to begin with. Two, he was teething and growing anyway, so it made sense that he was super miserable. Three, with my new insurance from work, the co pays are insane and then I still have to pay 25% of the bill to begin with, so I was cheap and was avoiding taking him in if it wasn't something that Could be treated anyway.

Yesterday Caden started with this terrible cough as well... figures the day before school was to start back right?? Well after nursing session #1 with Colin at midnight, I checked in on Caden, who was burning up. I woke him, changed him and gave him some Motrin and tucked him back in. Making the decision right away, no school for him today. Woke up called his bus and school to let them know. When he woke this AM he seemed so/so, but I still had to keep him home, otherwise I knew I would have had to go and get anyway when that fever spiked again.

When Mike got home from work, Caden went in for his nap as usual, and Colin woke up feeling like crap yet again, all clingy and whiny and coughy with runny nose, so I decided I better take him in, enough was enough. In the meantime, I left work to get Colin and Mike calls saying Caden woke up feeling really really bad. So I called back and re-scheduled to get both boys in. I figured since I was already taking one, might as well do both. Boy am I glad I did that!

We got to the doc, with Caden having a fever of 102.5 and that was with Motrin in his system only a couple hours earlier. He was diagnosed with Pneumonia and an ear infection. Colin no fever, but severe sinus infection and croup. Yuck! Meds for both.

Did I mention Momma (now known as Mommas boy, since she is now a he) had a updated eye appt and shots at the vet tonight as well?? Well I dropped the boys off at home to Mike, who went to the vet and target while I was at the Doc. office (we needed driveway salt since we have about an inch of ice covering it right now) so I could go pick up the boys meds. Couldn't fill them at target because they closed at 7 and it was 6:55 as we were sitting in the doctors office as it was. So we sent it too Walgreens- 24 hour pharmacy.... Get there and they only have Caden's in stock.. had to call another store... drive to another store to pick up Colin's meds.. Cat also needed meds BTW... A steroid for that eye infection that did not clear up from last weeks meds.... Are you still following me? :-) Needless to say, after all that stress I HAD to stop at Tim Hortons and get much deserved Iced Cappuccinos for Mike and I on the way home...

So where does the money go?

$54.00 in co-pays at the kids doctor
$81.00 in co-pays/meds at the Vet.
$25.00 in meds for the boys
$60.00 at target to refill Mike's meds and get driveway salt
$5.00 at Tim Hortons for the much needed Iced Capp's
Who knows how much gas $$ between Mike and I....
That's over $200 in under 2 hours.. How insane is that??!! That doesn't even include the bill that I'll get from the insurance company in a couple week with the remaining 25% out of pocket costs for us!!

To bad I only put $800 in my FSA account at work this year, it's only 5 days in and I am already up over $100! Guess I should have made that $1800!

So I'll be home with my sick babies tomorrow. Nursing and cuddling them back to health. Love that part of being mommy!

1 comment:

Burnhams said...

awww Kym, Im so sorry! I hope the kids feel better soon and Caden dosent share his pnumonia with anyone!

"When a loved one becomes a memory ~ That memory becomes a treasure"