Life is an endless Developmental process. We all have unique Abilities and Disabilities. The Day we choose Awareness instead of ignorance, is the DAY we start to see everyone as equal. Gary Spears, DSP

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Fate of yesterday.

Remember THIS post about my "off" day?? Well here how it ended, along with the pictures I promised you of my mud slide!

Here, I am,. in my cube, in my nice, muddy, soaking wet clothes, Nice huh?? Yep.
Remember I was wondering whether or not to tempt fate by going home yesterday?? I tempted it.

Went home to Courtney. Mike and boys went to Olean to spend the day and night with his mom. We sat, and enjoyed the complete piece and quiet that I never get to experience. Reading our Kindle And Nook. About 4:45 I got up to get in the shower (you know, to rejuvenate after that day yesterday) as I was walking past the stairs to the basement, I commented how bad it smelled down there. I got in the shower and moved on. Got out and it still smelled. Courtney then got in the shower, and said, ew, what is that horrible smell?? I continued to go get ready in the bedroom, but decided I should go check the basement out and see what's going on . The smell, progressively got worse as I went down there. And once in the family room, it seemed "hazy" to me. Maybe cloudy. I can't explain it. It wasn't smoky, but it wasn't clear either.
Remember Mike is in Olean? My Dad was in Florida, and my neighbor, Bobby who is my other go to guy (and a volunteer Firemen) was in Maryland with the family *sigh* I started to freak out a bit. I felt all walls in the basement, nothing was hot. the smell and haze weren't in the laundry room or Courtney's room. It was weird. Courtney and I kept going to the garage then came back to make sure it was still there. It was. I texted my brother, who thankfully was willing to come over and see if he could figure it out. I knew it wasn't Carbon Monoxide, since we have new detectors all over the house AND besides, that's a smell-less, silent killer, you can't see it. However, we still choose to grab the dogs and wait outside for Shawn to come. Once he arrived, we STILL couldn't figure it out. In the end, we ended up calling 911. If you know me, I am SCARED. TO. DEATH. of 911. of firemen. Of Sirens. Etc. I cant' do it. I cried to Mike on the phone that I couldn't make that call prior to calling Shawn.  I was too scared. Thankfully Shawn stayed with me. Within about 5-10 minutes we had 3 fire trucks, an ambulance, the fire chief, and tons of volunteers personal vehicles with blue lights flashing all around out house.
(this was after they sent away a truck away and we were wrapping things up)

I know I have a "smaller house" but let me tell you, when you have 6 full uniformed firemen with equipment, oxygen tanks, axes (yes, OMG, axes) plus, me, Shawn and the chief in one spot, those walls sure as heck closed in even more. My 1000 sq foot house, suddenly was only 500 sq ft. They were really great and helpful, asked tons of questions, checked all the rooms really good, and used the infrared camera to check the whole house for any hot spots. Checked the roof, yard, sump pump, fire place etc. Nothing. Nothing was hot or burning. The only thing they could sum it up too was a back draft somehow from the wood burning stove OR if someone else had a fire, maybe the furnace sucked in the fumes, but they didn't think so. Around 6:15 we were given the all clear. Scary crap man. I am glad my house wasn't smoldering somewhere, and I am grateful for our volunteer Fire Dept as well.

Courtney and I left, went to a Tupperware party, had some retail therapy, won a prize, and came home to a still slight smell, however by the time I went to bed at 11, it was gone. I'll never know what happened or why, but I am glad we are all ok.

When all is said and done, when you wake up in the Morning, and know by 8:00 that your day just isn't going to great?? Stay home, and get back in bed. :-)

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