Life is an endless Developmental process. We all have unique Abilities and Disabilities. The Day we choose Awareness instead of ignorance, is the DAY we start to see everyone as equal. Gary Spears, DSP

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Gas Prices

I know, I know, Who really wants to read about gas prices? I wouldn't if I was visiting someone Else's blog, But I thought today, maybe I'll start tracking it. We've heard rumors that by Summer, gas in our area, should be nearing $5.00 a gallon. Seriously. When I got my first car many years ago, I remember paying $0.97 a gallon! I could fill up for under $12.00. Now I am lucky if I get away with anything under $60.00 a week. (Just driving back and forth to work!!)

So. I am going to put a sidebar up tracking gas prices from now until maybe the end of summer. Each week, unless it goes up within that week, I am going to add the updated price and compare.

 Seriously, it's scary, how expensive every day living has become. We've haven't got a raise at my work in over 2 years, and the last one we did get was 5 cents if I remember correctly. YET, the price of gas, milk, bread, taxes, everything keeps going up. With Mike being out of work still, we obviously feel this more then most who haven't taken the close to 50% cut in pay per month, but it really does scare me. I hate paying bills each month wondering what is going to come next or how high the gas, electric or water bill will be or what will the increase in our meds cost us. Then I have to remind myself, that once Mike does go back to work, we WILL be able to pay all those things that we struggle with now, there is a light at the end of our tunnel at some point in time. But not for everyone. Some families face lay off, that is permanent. Yes, there is unemployment out there, for which was are VERY grateful, but it still makes it hard. I am thankful, that I know Mike will be going to back work hopefully in the next month. And I feel for those who don't yet know when that day will come.

Ok, so I totally went off topic, guess I needed to get that out.

As a side note, Keep in mind, we live in NY state. We pay an outrageous amount of tax on our gas. Our current price is $3.85 today. When we got home from Vacation 2 weeks ago it was $3.74. the cheapest we paid, maybe in Virgina or SC was $3.44. So... that shows a $0.30 cent difference between just the 2 states alone. I am looking forward to this little tracking experiment. What is the price of gas where you live?

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