Life is an endless Developmental process. We all have unique Abilities and Disabilities. The Day we choose Awareness instead of ignorance, is the DAY we start to see everyone as equal. Gary Spears, DSP

Saturday, September 13, 2008


This is how bad this hurts Colin... He's been like this since last night, so going on about 26 hours of crying and screaming and no sleeping and curling up in pain. The poor kid.. I've finally gotten some Motrin in him, and he's doing better, maybe I can get a FULL hour of uninterrupted sleep tonight, that would be lovely!

Poor Colin has Coxsockie virus. I am pretty sure though that all 3 children have it, only Colin seems to be the worst off with the abdominal pain as well. They each had a fever within the past week, one each day it seemed, which is the start of this thing. Colin however, is not recovering as well as the other 2 have. So much so that last night he was in so much pain he was thrashing himself all over the place for hours and hours. crushed ice is the only thing he would eat or drink between all out cries. Finally got him to sleep, just for him to wake up 45 minutes later. this went on all night long until I gave up and stayed up about 4am. At 8 am on the dot I called the doc. and we were in the office by 8:45- Colins case of Coxsackie has blisters all over his tonsils, and hands, and a red dotty rash throughout his little body, that I was chalking up to heat rash yestersday, now it all makes sense to me. So no apple picking today, and no compnay visits either, which stinks becuase we were supposed to have our freinds come visit with their daughter tonight. Figures right. the worst part? I can't treat him with anything except, tylenol or motrin and love! I have just got him in for a nap, and I think i'll take Caden and go lie down as well.... pray tonight goes better!

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