Life is an endless Developmental process. We all have unique Abilities and Disabilities. The Day we choose Awareness instead of ignorance, is the DAY we start to see everyone as equal. Gary Spears, DSP

Friday, September 12, 2008

It's so final now

Taking these pictures made my no more baby days so much more final. **sigh** I officially consigned ALL of our baby equipment & clothing. It's so sad to me really. 2 times a year there is a HUGE consignment sale locally at the fairgrounds, last spring I shopped at it, this fall, I consigned at it and will continue to do so now for each season. I managed tonight to spend only $117 and get BOTH boys their entire winter wardrobe and Caden a halloween costume as well! So worth it. If you live in this area I encourage everyone to check it out... what a concept and the owners are super nice too, I had the pleaseure to work a shift at the sale yesterday during the drop offs and get to know them.

Although we knew the day we came home from the hospital we would never have any more children, it's still no surprise that to this day I regret getting my tubes tired. Even if we were to never have a 4th child, it's just so "permanent". Most people know that I had a very hard dealing with this after Colin was born. Most days I still do. Then some days I say it's a blessing, since keeping up with the 3 we have and adding in Caden's disabilites is more then we can handle. I must admit that I haven't worked up the nerve to sell my pump yet... that will take a few tears to overcome... beside Colin is Still nursing, so you never know when these things might be needed!

So in the end, I have gotten rid of most all baby things realated in our home and 4 bins of infant clothes, from newborn through 12 months. I know I am blessed with the children that I do have, but one can always dream right? I've always said if we had a larger house and could afford more children, I would never stop..... the plus side to that is adoption is ALWAYS out there right??!!

1 comment:

Burnhams said...

awww kym, Im sorry. It'll be ok though, theres always adoption, or even foster care :)
Yea for consignments! That sounds like a lot of fun!

"When a loved one becomes a memory ~ That memory becomes a treasure"