Life is an endless Developmental process. We all have unique Abilities and Disabilities. The Day we choose Awareness instead of ignorance, is the DAY we start to see everyone as equal. Gary Spears, DSP

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Colin Stats

So Colin has his 2 year check up this morning. Lucky kid didn't need any shots at all! Yippie for both him and I!! He did have to do lead/blood testing, but that is minor in comparison. He currently weights 30.4 lb, only up 1 lb since his last visit and is 36 inches tall, 2 inches taller then last time! So he is growing right on track. 95% for height and 75% for weight. We are good now for the next 6 months. We did talk a little bit about his bow leggedness and feet curved in. She still thinks it very developmental and not getting much better due to the "W" sitting/sleeping position he uses most of the time. She did offer a orthopedic eval, however suggested we wait the 6 months as well. I opted to wait. Mainly because insurance won't cover this visit unless a problem that requires treatment comes out of it. Being that she is sure it's only developmental still, I'll hold off and see if it gets better. We just don't have that extra money right now to pay for a possible unnecessary doctor visit. In the meantime, we have to discourage the W sit and sleep. Sit I can change him to the Indian style, however sleep I can't do too much about. I'll move him before I go to bed, but after that, he's on his own. So We go back in January and we'll see how far he's progressed since then. Oh yea - We did his 24 month Autism screening as well and he passed, Which we knew. So he is not following in Caden's footsteps on that note! He is talking so much more now as well and using sentence too. When he gets up in the morning, he says - I woke up. Mom woke up? I eat? It's so funny. When he is tied he says' I nite nite? He can say motorcycles, and umbrella. It's crazy!

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