Life is an endless Developmental process. We all have unique Abilities and Disabilities. The Day we choose Awareness instead of ignorance, is the DAY we start to see everyone as equal. Gary Spears, DSP

Friday, March 30, 2012

Happy Birthday Courtney!


I can't believe I have a 15 year old!! In one year she'll be old enough to get her learner's permit and learn to drive OUR cars!! Scary Crazy. The boys are going to spend the weekend at GG's house in Olean, So Courtney can have her birthday party, with 9, yes 9 teenager girls spending the night at our house. We thought it would be MUCH better if they weren't around for the festivities :-) Thankfully we have a large family room, and won't have to be surrounded by the girls all night long!

Here's a few quick Courtney Stats:

*She is 5'8 & 1/2 inches tall!
*She weighs only 131 lbs! (And thinks she is too skinny)
*She loves running (indoor and outdoor track)
*She is on the outdoor track team currently, and they had their first meet yesterday
*She has a crush (!!) on a cutie with the initials of A.K. I don't want to post the name for her sake:-)
*She is a Freshman in High School. As of right now, her goal is to go to Culinary school after High school.
*Her favorite Color is Teal Blue and she loves Zebra Prints
*She isn't too fond of her brothers at this moment in life.
*She occasionally babysits Haley, our friends daughter and gets asked to watch other often, but she has quite the busy schedule and isn't always available.
*Her Best Friends are Amanda & Jordan
*Jordan comes over every Monday night to watch Pretty Little Liars with her.
*She is a picky eater, but did just try her first (doubtful, I KNOW I fed her them as a toddler)Strawberry yesterday and loved it.
*Tried cream cheese on a bagel for the first time last week and loved IT!
*Has Asthma again (had it before as an infant/toddler) and has an inhaler for use as needed, AND takes an inhaled steroid every morning as well.
*Her shoe sizes varies from an 8 to a 9 depending on the shoe.
*She'd rather text then talk on the phone, in fact she never uses the phone (?)
*She straightens her hair every morning before school
*If you take away her ipod, she is forced to spend time with family ;-) (wink, wink)
*This will be her last year cheering for the Lancaster Jr Redskins Varsity Cheer team (she ages out)
*She NEVER eats breakfast.
*Her favorite thing to make to eat is a Cheese Quesadilla in the microwave
*She loves Iced Capp's from Tim Hortons
*She doesn't get home from school most days until after 5:30 due to sports practices
*She is in the level I confirmation program at church.
*10:30am Sunday Mass is her Favorite time to go.
*She dislikes us (mom & dad) probably more then she likes us, but that's Ok ;-)
*She gets a ride to school almost every day from mom, since we pass it on the way to daycare for the boys.
*Her favorite place to eat out is Either Subway (Chicken Bacon Ranch on Flatbread) OR Panera Bread (PLAIN Country Turkey sandwich & Chicken Noodle Soup, with a chocolate pastry or the French Pub (Chicken Finger Panini)
*Her favorite store to shop at is probably Forever 21, Kohls and Target
*Her favorite Gift cards are itunes and Nook (borders)

Happy Birthday Courtney! Hope you have a great Birthday Weekend!

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"When a loved one becomes a memory ~ That memory becomes a treasure"