Life is an endless Developmental process. We all have unique Abilities and Disabilities. The Day we choose Awareness instead of ignorance, is the DAY we start to see everyone as equal. Gary Spears, DSP

Monday, March 5, 2012

Meet Samson ~ Our Pet Fish

Mike has ALWAYS wanted to have a fish tank. I however, do NOT want a fish tank. I don't like the noise of it, the lights that go with it, nor the cleaning that has to come with. We have enough to do with 6 animals, 3 kids and the house, why add to it. HOWEVER, I have no problem getting a cute little beta guy.

Colin had a fish in his classroom and a few months ago, he died :( Colin still talks about that fish alot. over the weekend, Mike and I were out doing some things, and the kids were home with Courtney, when we came across a pet smart with a shelter there with dogs. So of course, Mike had to go in and see the dogs. As we were walking around, I found the beta fish... with some cheap little tanks. And the fish were pretty cheap too! So we thought we'd get the kids a fish and surprise them.

Boy were they surprised! They LOVE him. His little tank sat perched on the kitchen counter, so we could always have our eyes of him :-) We were interested too, to see how long it would be before the cats found our new friend (who we named Samson) Momma was the first to find him, and just sat and stared at him. Next was Mason, then blackberry. They never bothered him, would just sit and watch him swim around.

All weekend long, Samson swam around. We watched him many times (did you know watching a fish for 15 minutes at a time lowers your blood pressure??) and enjoyed his company. He was SO pretty. And his pebbles matched our kitchen counter! It was a perfect match.
As far as we knew, the only 2 cats who hadn't met Samson were Bob and Oreo.
Well.... Apparently Bob found him last night. During the night.

I keep saying, It had nothing to do with Samson. I folded up a paper towel last night and put it under Samson's home, so if water ever leaked, it wouldn't ruin the paint on the counter tops. Well, I forgot that Bob scratches at any paper towel that is under things (like our cups etc). Around 5:30 this morning, I heard a sound, like the cats dropped something into the sink and it broke. I didn't think anything of it.

6:15 rolls around, and Caden wakes up. 6:30 and Colin wakes up. I finally get up to get ready for work at 6:35 and pester Mike to get up and help with the kids. He of course, rolls back over :-)

I go out to the kitchen with Colin to get his medicine ready and turn on the light... to find the tank, ALL over the dining room floor. Pebbles all over the place, water all over the place, and Samson, just laying there, on his side :-( Poor fishie. I look up on the counter.. and what do I see.... Shredded paper towel all over the place. Bob must have been trying to shred the towel and pushed Samson off the counter.

I yelled for Mike to get out here, the fish is on the floor! He picked up the tank, picked up the fish and put him in. Then put some tap water (COLD, it was only 23 outside) in the tank.... Samson started to swim (he was ALIVE!) for about 45 seconds. I think that water shocked his poor little system. Your supposed to use room temp water) So we explained to the boys that Samson was in heaven now, and we'd get a new fish. We had to flush him down the toilet now.

They boys wanted to watch..... so into the bathroom everyone went. Mike dumped him in the toilet (that had room temp water of course) And he started to swim!!! We were shocked...Mike said what should we do? I said well let's see... and before we knew it, Samson swan down the hole in the toilet! I guess he wasn't meant to be with us after all. Colin was sad he swam away, Caden wanted to know where he was going, and Mike and I were wondering if he'd swim back out to us. LOL

We explained to the kids that he was going to swim to the ocean to meet the rest of his friends. Caden was worried the water would be cold for him. We reassured him that ocean water was warm, and he'd be fine.

That's the story of what was our fish Samson.

Today... Mike went and got us a new fish. We'll see what comes of his fate!

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"When a loved one becomes a memory ~ That memory becomes a treasure"