Life is an endless Developmental process. We all have unique Abilities and Disabilities. The Day we choose Awareness instead of ignorance, is the DAY we start to see everyone as equal. Gary Spears, DSP

Friday, March 16, 2012

Feeling Good

We all know how good it feels to be nice. This morning on way to work, it really paid off. I went to Tim Hortons for my usual morning coffee stop and of course, there is always a line of people waiting and then another line waiting to get IN the drive thru lane. I flagged a car to go in front of me, after noticing that about 4 cars just kept driving by. So we proceed on, order our coffee's, pull up to the window, to pay, and was told that they lady in front of me paid for my order, since I let her in when no one else would. Seriously?? How thoughtful. Now I've paid for people behind me a couple of time. Once I knew the person, and another time, it was a challenge to do a good deed for another person.  This is only the 2nd time it happened to me. What a great feeling it was {each time}!!

Guess I should post about the first time too huh? It was a good few months ago, maybe last summer? I went to Chipotle restaurant for lunch. A man in a wheel chair was ahead of me walking (well, wheeling actually) into the restaurant. I held the door open for him. He thanked me. He then let me go in front of him in line. He had never been there before, and obviously being in a wheel chair, he was a bit too low to see the items to choose from, and it was hard to hear the workers behind the counter asking him questions. I ended up repeating the choices for him, and of course gave a bit of my input too. The working girl behind the counter gave me a little smile and nod. I hate when others treat people with ANY type of disability different, so I always try my best to NOT be one of those people.  I sure try my darnedest to instill this in my kids too. Caden especially, since he's in a class with a mixture of disabilities from a wheel chair to down syndrome to Autism etc.  I've posted about it before too (HERE Is that post). ANYWAY - back on track. When I got up to the register to pay, I was told that my lunch was free today, on the restaurant, for being so thoughtful :-) It really does make you feel good, when your just being YOU and it's noticed by others.

So.. since I was able to experience such a great feeling this morning, I challenge each of you, to do a good deed for some else today as well. It's doesn't have to include money, or buying something for someone, just being friendly to a stranger. Offering to help someone with groceries. Anything. Let's see how many we can get.

Come back and post and let me know what you did! Can't wait to hear all about it!!

1 comment:

The Beyer Family said...

Anyone else paying it forward? Tonight, as I stopped at Burger King to grab the kids a fast dinner of Chicken Nuggets and an icee, I was compelled to pay for the gentlemen behind me. So I did.:-) It felt wonderful. I hope he too pays it forward!

"When a loved one becomes a memory ~ That memory becomes a treasure"