Life is an endless Developmental process. We all have unique Abilities and Disabilities. The Day we choose Awareness instead of ignorance, is the DAY we start to see everyone as equal. Gary Spears, DSP

Monday, April 9, 2012

Wegmans Kids

We had such a busy day! After the Depew Egg Hunt, we went to Wegmans where they were having Egg Dying for the kids & Easter Bunny Visits.

Colin didnt' want to dye an egg (he was afraid of the colored water) But Caden was ALL ready to go! Apron/Gloves and all.
He took his time, deciding on the color he wanted, then in the end, did a little bit of each one.

After his was done, We double checked with Colin, who still didn't want to do it. The girls working were REALLY awesome with him, and asked if he wanted them to do it for him. He was so excited and said yes! Caden then volunteered to finish it up. Colin chose green.
Here's Caden being a good helper

Then the Easter Bunny came! He was wandering around the store, handing out candy to everyone (they had a leprechaun for St. Pats day too, and Santa & Mrs Claus for Christmas) but because the girls really understood Colin, the one offered to go get the bunny and bring him to us for pictures. She really was so awesome with him.

So she got the bunny, and Colin even Hugged him!

Caden did too! (missed the picture ugh!)
they both did a great job sitting next to the bunny for a picture! Yay guys!

After Wegmans, we got some quick lunch and headed off to South Line Fire Hall, for their annual egg hunt!

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